기사 메일전송
1st Climate Change, MDGs & World Tourism Event
  • 기사등록 2014-07-03 14:22:13
  • 편집국 편집장

On July 4th, 2008, the UNWTO ST-EP Foundation organized the Climate Change & Millennium Development Goals Seoul Summit at the Great Conference Hall of the National Assembly. On official visit to Korea, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has been invited to give a special speech on these crucial issues.“Both developed and developing nations, including South Korea, have responsibilities on global warming due to emitting carbon dioxide in the process of industrialization. So we all should recognize we are responsible for this matter, and thus we have to put effort on this issue to solve the problems,” Secretary-General Ban emphasized on his speech. In addition, he said, “South Korea has developed enough to take the leadership on international society”.The event also included performances by the Ethiopian Children's Choir ETHI, the Korean a capella Group ‘Voiture’ (Grand Prize Winner of 2008 IOC Singing and Sports Contest) who sang for the first time the Climate Change song ‘Gift’, accompanied by a Multicultural Children Choir. An official reception allowed all the guests to gather and mingle.

[덧붙이는 글]
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